Dr. Dennis Ulbrich

Dennis Ulbrich

Postdoctoral researcher


Currently, I am working as a lecturer at Hochschule Bremen, see Other » Teaching.

Until May 2024, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Analysis and Numerics at the University of Münster. I was supervised by Prof. Dr. M. Pirner. My position was embedded into the ongoing DFG project number 456849348 (Modeling and mathematical description of concrete physical applications in the context of kinetic theory using the Bathnagar-Gross-Krook equation), see Research » Projects.

Beforehand, I did my PhD (Dr. rer. nat. in Mathematics) at the University of Bremen, cf. MGP. My advisors were Prof. Dr. J. Rademacher and Prof. Dr. M. Keßeböhmer. My work was supported by the now completed DFG project number 384027439 (Ergodic theory of nonlinear waves in discrete and continuous excitable media), also see Research » Projects.


